Forum Replies Created
Memberallow items usable with right click to be put in the quick access for their right click function, instead of restricting it to items with double click functions.
Memberfurther testing shows that removing a placeable object, such as a chest, from a simaler location and then replacing it with a wall does not cause this error, nor does removinga similarly placed wall. and im done testing this bug, good luck fixing it.
Membermore testing shows that you dont have to have just digged out the space, but the error doesnt always happen in that case. it always happens when you’ve just dug out the space and then placed the wall. furthermore, despite my original oddly specific situation, this seems to happen in any situation where you dig out sandstone next to any amount of sandstone and replace it with a sandstone wall, but it is more likely the more likely to happen the more neiboring sandstone there are, and always happens in the originally described situation.
Memberjust found an incrdibly complicated bug and put in in bug list, but ill try to give a better explanation here.
if there is a solid rectangle of sandstone, and you dig out one and replace it immediately with a sandstone wall, that sandstone wall will then provide a seemingly endless supply of sandstone walls and never go away. mining out the sourounding sandstones seems to fix it, but it could be that after getting 10 walls from it it just finnally mined out naturally. i tested this in 3 different locations with simaler results, and tested that putting the sandstone wall in a regular place doesnt cause this bug.esran
Memberthere are a couple things that could be better though. closing one side of th ecave should close both sides of the cave. also digging up grass seeds shouldnt ever reveal a cave without giving you dirt, as that is nonsensical.
May 13, 2013 at 8:25 pm in reply to: [bug] Iron pick axe durability decreases by several points each use #2161esran
Memberthis behavior is intended i think. you lose 1 durability per item harvested. why would it be different?
Memberi disagree, its fine how it is. jsut quickly press and release to move one space. perhaps an option to delay rapid movement could be added in the options, but dont take away the option to have it how it is now.
Memberbtw, if i find enough bugs can i get in the game credits as a beta tester? im adding a few more to the bug list.
Membermake covering a cave cover both sides.
Memberso what does coal do now? just a fuel like?