Inspiration Time: World Building

A large complaint both personally, and from the players is the world/map. Current major issues with system now:

  • Sometimes a map can just be desert or non-desert biomes or very small ratios of either.
  • Lack of persistence with your map – travelling or swimming to a new one erases your old one.
  • Sometimes islands can be too big or too small in general.
  • General lack of attachment and immersion to your map due to being able to spawn a new one easily.
  • Lack of proper or forced variety.

If you have been playing Wayward for awhile, you will know that the world map has gone through some pretty crazy changes during development. Through part of the alphas, the world was infinitely generated as pieces or chunks but lacked a lot of detail or maintainability and had many of the same problems above. Next was the static map that while properly designed and balanced, lacked a lot of depth most people come to expect from roguelikes. The next iteration was what you see now. A large set of biome-centric islands with caves underneath (using pseudo z-axis).

Let’s take a look at some inspiration for another new system to address the top issues.

Dwarf Fortress

Dwarf Fortress Map


I love the variety in Dwarf Fortress worlds. Although Wayward technically has more realism/variety in the tiles themselves, the world itself looks more cohesive and varied in environments. Using this map I get all sorts of fun and crazy ideas on how to fix the current system. Let’s take a look at some more:

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On Releasing a Beta & Not Shooting Yourself in the Foot

Sometimes I like to write about game design and development in general. This isn’t necessary directly Wayward-specific, but the content pertains to my feelings and choices on developing Wayward. Hopefully it’s useful to some game developers out there.

When you put something out there for consumption, people will hopefully comment and respond. The content of that response can be negative or extremely positive. The people that feel somewhere in the middle don’t usually comment. People that play and feel positively about a game usually don’t respond in any way either – it’s only the people that sit somewhere above that in their feelings for your game.

Take that in contrast with negativity. The threshold for negative comments set a very low bar. It’s easy to say: “sucks”, “terrible interface”, “bad graphics”, “boring and stupid”. It’s also easy to read these and dismiss them entirely as they don’t actually criticize anything. There’s nothing you can take away from it.

But sometimes, negative comments and feedback are good, meaningful, and important. That’s the best kind.

The difference between a good game designer/developer and a bad one is listening to criticism and improving your product.

Most People Don’t Know What Beta Means

The majority of people don’t know or don’t care that you game is beta and will take it at face value. People are used to playing games that are released as finished products. The concept of playing something that is unfinished is generally a foreign concept, especially outside of the computer gaming world.

What can you do to solve this? You need to convey that this is a pre-release to the player. You also need to provide a proper feedback-loop. Make sure you can report bugs easily. Make sure your game is playable and visual presentable. Otherwise, expect a higher ratio for that negative feedback. Sometimes it’s a necessary evil to get your game out there to get the criticism you need, even if it’s not exactly ready. I would recommend testing with a smaller group of people at the start.

Example case:

I get so sick of these games. Promise a great, immersive, deep system, and then slap the shiattiest graphics and gameplay you can on it, and top it all off with a zero learning curve…
I probably would have enjoyed this back when DOS was new and shiny, but these days I expect the Aspie code monkeys to actually talk to some graphics and game designers to make sure the game looks and plays as well as the crafting system works.

This player didn’t consider the game was a beta or that the game/gameplay was intentionally, aesthetically, retro. Most people would consider this type of thing a “troll” comment considering he even begins using personal attacks. Not cool man! You can expect these thoughts from most players, even if they aren’t this harsh or vocal about it.

That being said, is there something you can take away from this? Absolutely. In this case, it would be a hint at improving the interface. The rest of it is mostly subjective and opinionated. You can’t please every one after all. 8-bit all the way!

Most People Don’t Understand What Alternative Game Mechanics Are

Making a niche game? Using mechanics and gameplay that are foreign in comparison to mainstream gaming? You are automatically setting yourself up for negativity in some form or the other.

Example case:

I wandered around for 5 minutes, occasionally running into animals and killing them. Then I came here to see if anyone else had the slightest fucking idea what I was supposed to do or what the point of the game was. Then I closed the game and did something that made sense to me.

You could apply this quote to any open-ended, free-form game. You can expect this to be a common feeling as well. Most games provide direction and goals from the get go. Is it impossible to do the opposite? No, but don’t expect everybody to “get” your crazy-out-there game concepts.

Again, you can’t please everybody. But even this comment provides some value in improving user-experience.

Why Release a Beta?

To get feedback. To get the harshest of the harsh comments, to use that and make your game better. To give yourself a boost if you have spent too long developing and not enough time soaking in the enjoyment you are giving to players. To create an initial community. All these reasons and more is why it’s a good idea for large-scope games.

Don’t be angry or frustrated, learn from your mistakes, and improve your game.

Obviously these ideas and theories are not a catch-all. I mean, this all could fail miserably for a commercial project. Or not work at all for smaller, less involved games.

New Donator Rewards

Gold CoinsFirst off, I want to thank everybody for playing, sharing and supporting Wayward.

Wayward at this stage is still very much a hobby project – for me, and everybody else involved. I don’t think I could expect to eventually live off of donations (I’m pessimistic by nature), but they definitely do keep me motivated. Currently, it’s the only way of monetization for Wayward in specific.

That being said, I wanted to spice some things up a bit to give back to those people that think Wayward is worth the time and money.

The new Donations page lists the new ways we can help give back to the supporters. The rewards are now as follows:

Minimum of a $1 donation gives you access to:

  • Pre-release bug testing.
  • Access to private to-do/future plans spreadsheet (with upcoming version play-testing).
  • A name of your choice on the donation page.
  • A link of your choice attached your name.
  • The top 5 donators will be featured on the footer of all internal Unlok pages.

I try to be modest about Donations. I know how ruffled some people’s feathers can get with “e-begging” on the internet. That’s why there’s currently no in-game advertising in Wayward, or why you aren’t seeing a massive pop-up “DONATE NOW! OR ELSE!” while reading this site.

If you are an older donator, please send me an email if you want to claim one of these rewards.

On Resource Gathering

Resource gathering in Wayward has always been a little strange. It’s always been a bit at odds with the stimulation of some of the other core components. To put this in to perspective, as of Beta 1.0, resource gathering works like the following:

Each hit of a mountain/tree has a chance to produce a specific resource regardless of anything else. It also has a random chance to break, also not dependent of anything else. So, it’s very possible to get a single Tree Bark from a tree and have it “blow up” afterwards. This is a little ridiculous. Now throw this factor in:

Depending on what tool you have equipped, each resource type can produce a new resource. Like for example, equipping a weapon with an attack of +3 or greater can now produce a Log from a tree, or Iron Ore from rock.

This system is more or less the same for digging on tiles, except without the change of resources based on equipped tool or specific tile strength.

This is very much a product of poor design choices left in the game, a little too long.

Proposed Changes

  • Each tile will have a specific set of generic resources available. For example, rock will feature Stones, Large Rock, Sharp Rock, and Smooth Rock – leaving out Iron Ore, Talc, Limestone, and Coal.
  • Each tile has a chance to be a “node” for a special type of resource, like Iron Ore, Talc, Limestone, and Coal in mountains, or Fungus and Red Berries in trees. This will be visible graphically to the player.
  • Each tile will have a specific strength. This strength will decrease as you hit it, based on your attack value. If you want to break through tiles faster, equip a higher attack weapon/tool. The tool will have no effect on dropping the special resource.
  • After breaking through the tile, the special resources contained within are available for pick-up.
  • Tree tiles have two states: Full and bare. After all the Leaves, Tree Bark, Branches, etc. are removed (tile strength is decreased), they become “bare”. At this point, you can use a Sharpened to receive a number of Log resources.

On top of making the system less grind-focused, it will also promote exploration. All resources don’t exist around you at all times anymore. You can effectively shape which resources you get and how fast you break through a tile resulting in more player freedom.

Ideas and comments welcomed as always.

Wayward Beta 1.0 Released!

The wait is over! Wayward Beta 1.0 is now live. Remember how your worlds didn’t save in Alpha 1.5? NO MORE!

Play here:

Downloadable version:

*UPDATE* Beta 1.0.1 has been pushed to online and download copies that fixes a bug to do with dialog re-sizing. If you are having an issue not being able to resize the dialog windows, please grab a new copy.

Besides that very large change, there’s more goodies, such as:

  • Cooking on any fire source.
  • No more catastrophic failures (resulting in lost items) on crafting, planting, etc.
  • Discover new crafts dynamically by crafting or finding instructional scrolls.
  • Stand-alone executable (Windows only, for now).
  • Legendary (magical) items are now craftable.
  • Right click to get information on any given tile.
  • Lots of performance fixes.
  • Quicker skill gains and skill gains on failures.
  • As always, more items, monsters, recipes, tiles and more!

There’s a HUGE changelog of all the changes in Beta 1.0 if you want to take a look here:

Stay tuned for 1.1. I have many more ideas and with the help of the new “second in command”, Frank Orechio – we are working hard to add that extra “oomph” to the gameplay in Wayward.

Indie Showcase: Wayward by ChristonianA

Today I have for you the entire “Indie Showcase” on Wayward by a great YouTuber that goes by ChristonianA. I must admit, it’s a little bit painful to watch given the state and how much progress has been made in the Beta, but he, like TheUberHunter gives some great insight on usability and intuitiveness. Here’s the full three-parter series:

ChistonianA has a great channel with tons of indie gameplay, reviews, let’s plays and more. Check it out here:

Wayward Birthday + Beta 1.0 Trailer

Hello there everybody,

Did you know that one year ago, today was the first Alpha 1.0 release for Wayward? Don’t worry, neither did I until a couple days ago. Which prompted me to get in gear for the celebrations… no, it’s not a new release, but rather, a new trailer for the upcoming release.

It’s been a great year filled with joy in making this project finally turn into something really special for me (and many others as well). There’s been on and off times throughout much of the year where I didn’t touch Wayward at all… but something definitely kept me coming back… and I’m pretty sure it was all of you guys/gals who supported me with feedback and encouragement.

On Scope

Wayward is a big project. In fact, it’s really limitless in it’s scope. I could keep adding/improving it forever it feels like. Although I don’t like to personally draw this comparison, take Minecraft for example – it keeps changing and evolving even after it was released. Will it ever end? Who makes that choice? How is that choice made?

It becomes quite clear that for my first public game, I should have chose something easier, quicker, more designed, and more planned. I need the experience. I need the experience because I want that knowledge to make Wayward the best game I can. I keep planning other games that I will make after Wayward, but when will “after” actually come?

Having said all that, I realize that the scope of Wayward creates a following, creates fans of the game. That depth is what makes people come back to play and want to play and explore more of what the game has to offer. The comments I get, the emails, the donations I receive all help my “drive” to complete Wayward, or at least push me to get the next version out.

It seems like each release gets bigger. The wait between each release also gets bigger due to other projects/interests and because of all the changes themselves – some of them particularly complex/hard things to implement. I hope to break this chain with the upcoming beta and then really focus on like perhaps 10 things per release from then on out.

Community Discussion Spotlight

During this period of rest (also known as, the point where I do other things not Wayward development related), I thought I would give a nice shout-out to all the forums out there with people nice enough to plug the game in the form of community discussion.

Blockland! Forum

Discussion by Soukuw

2nd Discussion

Bay 12 Games Forum

Discussion by The Darkling Wolf

Discussion by Davichococat

Data Realms Fan Forums

Discussion by Contrary

/r/WebGames on Reddit

Discussion by outwrangle

Are you now following Wayward as a result of one of these discussions? Have a free pat on the back!

TheUberHunter on Wayward

TheUberHunter (aka Game Hunter), prolific roguelike reviewer/commentator has released a two-part playthrough of Wayward. His comments and progression through the game open up all sorts of great tools for me to use to improve on the usability and intuitiveness of Wayward. The playthrough was quite idealistic in many cases; he routinely asks “how do I do this?” which he eventually answers himself through experimentation. There was a couple stumbling blocks a long the way, like right-click confusion – something that I will address in the upcoming version.

Making Wayward is fun, especially when personal goals are met. This was one of those goals; to have somebody review my game in the form of video.