A Step Backwards (April Fools’)

The following is an April Fools’ announcement.

Hello all,

Coming at you today with some great news for certain players. The recent state of our reviews makes it clear to us that Wayward is attracting far too many players that are not familiar with traditional challenging, turn-based roguelike games with grid-based movement. We never anticipated more casual players finding the game. No, Wayward is not like Stardew Valley! It has led to a lot of frustration and confusion on both our parts and the players who subsequently refund the game, after leaving a negative review of course.

Because of this, we are taking a step back and re-focusing our efforts to make a game that tailors only to true hardcore gamers. Gamers that don’t need fancy graphics or free movement to be satisfied.

Wayward is moving to ASCII! Here’s a preview of what is to come.

A Step Backwards

One of our developers has also been investing a large amount of time into a VR port, all done in ASCII of course. This will be one way we can combat all the UI issues the game has.

Stay tuned for more (real) updates!

2 thoughts on “A Step Backwards (April Fools’)”

  1. Happy April fools everybody! Based on the response, now it looks like we actually have to do this eventually, haha.


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