Vaughn "Drathy" Royko

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  • in reply to: Bugs #5411

    Hey there,

    1. This is intended (wiki is outdated). You can use the documentation to get up-to-date information:
    2. Fixed in upcoming 2.0.
    3. Intended as well.

    in reply to: Beta 2.0 Modding Preview #5410

    @waywardplayer Wayward 2.0 will be soon™.

    To download a mod, you can try to right click and save as so it doesn’t open in a new window. Alternatively, you can simply right click on the open code page, and save from there as well.

    in reply to: Beta 2.0 Modding Preview #5402

    @yairm210 Yep, you sure can! All items are now broken up into individual graphics as well so you can edit individual ones, or add your own!

    in reply to: Opinions on Wayward Logo Tweaks? #5395

    @GlaucomysDragon Yep, you can get a high-res, transparent .png version of it here: or

    in reply to: No Forge & Anvil #5392

    Just to confirm, you have the following in your inventory, correct?

    • Sharpened (Group) x1
    • Rock-like (Group) x7 (Consumed)
    • A Log x1 (Consumed)
    in reply to: Smooth Monster Movement Preview #5386

    @FlowCoef We don’t speak of him 🙂

    in reply to: Smooth Monster Movement Preview #5385

    And the turkey appears to be wearing a stovepipe hat?

    in reply to: Simple modding #5384

    Really cool work here. I hate to say it, but your hard work here won’t be transferable over to 2.0. The good news though, is that what you want to do should be available without all the hardship.

    Spacetech, one of our programmers has spent a couple days working directly with modding and has implemented an API for Wayward mods with all the hooks you would need to customize most portions of the game. It won’t be 100%, but we hope to continually work on getting everything easy to mod. Here’s an example of a new item mod:

    class ArgusMod extends Mods.BaseMod implements Mods.IMod {
        public getName(): string {
            return "Argus";
        public getVersion(): string {
            return "1.0.0";
        public getCompatibleMinorVersions(): number[] {
            return [0];
        public getReleaseDate(): string {
            return "4/11/2015";
        public getAuthor(): string {
            return "Spacetech";
        public getDescription(): string {
            return "Adds a new item called Argus into the game";
        public getHooks(): Mods.Hook[] {
            return null;
        public onLoad(): void {
                tX: 33,
                tY: 1,
                description: "The all seeing eye.",
                name: "Argus",
                weight: 2,
                attack: 1,
                damageType: DamageType.Blunt,
                equip: EquipType.Held,
                onEquip: this.onEquip,
                onUnequip: this.onUnequip,
                recipe: {
                    requires: [
                        [ObjectType.SharpenedItem, 1, 0],
                        [ObjectType.Lens, 2, 2, 2],
                        [ObjectType.Log, 1, 1, 1],
                        [ObjectType.String, 1, 1, 1]
                    skill: SkillType.Tinkering,
                    level: RecipeLevel.Advanced
                disassemble: true,
                durability: 500
        public onUnload(): void {
        public onEquip(invId: number, item: IItem) {
            game.fov.disabled = true;
        public onUnequip(invId: number, item: IItem) {
            game.fov.disabled = false;
    in reply to: Numbered items in crafting – mini-mod #5380

    Looks like you want to do some hardcode modding. I would recommend downloading the download version, then opening the .exe with an archive program to get access to all the files. I believe 7zip extractor will work, somebody else was using it.

    in reply to: Bug clicking on Ectopasm – error occured #5379

    Thanks, this has been fixed in 2.0.

    in reply to: New items in mods currently impossible #5373

    Hello Yairm,

    Modding is definitely not finalized and as it stands there is no API or consistency with any of that (as of 1.9.2), although, in 2.0 we are looking at addressing these issues by integrating fully into the Steam Workshop. This will allow modders to share/install/uninstall mods in a more permanent fashion by loading brand new files, or overwriting files completely with custom content/features (on/during game load, not after). Of course there will be plenty of compatibility issues to solve there, but at least modders and mod users will have the option.

    in reply to: Numbered items in crafting – mini-mod #5367

    Cool! Easy enough, will add to Wayward 2.0 for sure. Thanks!

    in reply to: Smooth Monster Movement Preview #5364

    @FlowCoef That’s because that’s a new female character 🙂

    in reply to: Smooth Monster Movement Preview #5363

    Player looks more androgynous now.

    in reply to: Tooltip Changes Preview #5355

    Yep, all the new graphics will be coming up in 2.0. Other items you may notice are just updated item graphics, which are still “work in progress”.

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