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  • #4658

    I can no longer use the changeTile command. When I enter as I normally would, no change to the corresponding takes place. Has the format changed for doing this?

     * Change the current tile
     * @param newTile object (object variables: type (required), strength, mindur, maxdur)
     * @param changeX int
     * @param changeY int
     * @param stackTiles boolean <---if you set this to false or leave it off it will overwrite the current tile, true stacks.
    function changeTile(newTile, changeX, changeY, stackTiles)


    changeTile({type: 'cobblestone'}, player.x, player.y, true);
    changeTile({type: 'cobblestone', mindur: 8, maxdur: 12}, player.x, player.y, false);

    Hope that helps.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Orillian.

    Perfect, thank you very much. Also, would it be possible to create a saved game stat that is comprised of everything that is on the map, which could then be used like a new map generation? What I mean is, could you save your world, leave, then return to that world later using that saved game state as the new world thats loaded. The benefit of this would be you returning to your saved map with the inventory of your adventures elsewhere, while at the same time, all the treasure on your old map would be there waiting for you. I don’t know if a sort of “Home Base” idea is something you guys are interesting in having in your game but I think it could be a really cool addition. Sorry for the bad grammar n stuff, my engrish bad.

    Cheers, JamesIII


    No worries about your grammar, English is my native language and I don’t do much better! 😛

    As for the home base type idea…..maps are currently independent of the player and you could theoretically save them away from the rest. We don’t have anything in place for that at the moment, but it wouldn’t be all that hard to convert the save load mod to just save world maps.


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