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Now I even own some leather boots.
Several. A lot!

All leather all legend. But not a single piece of metal clothing.
I still can´t lit a fire and I still have no blacksmith because of that ***** log xD

But I do have about 240 Helath. Yes, you´re right… I more than doubled the HP.
With which kind of action?
I carved my mountain… about 50% of it °_°
Yes, he is even bigger than I thought. I guess it´s about 10 – 20 MAP-screens big!

I am carving it out, paving it with cobblestone and when my HPs are full I go and train my parrying some more.
That skill is at about 97%. In total my defense is at 20.

Because of several ghosts appearing from everywhere around and me killing them with bare hands… I got quite some tactics too.

Besides I have to say I haven´t tried to kill an abberant ghost or even time-skitter, I think I can now survive pretty easily. I already raided 2 treasurechests but didn´t found what I was looking for… iron armor equipment and/or a log.
At least my food can now be stored so that it won´t spoil so fast 🙂

Now the only things I have to do is further grinding (carving, parrying) and finding more chests.
I have survived 🙂


  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by sechsauge.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by sechsauge.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by sechsauge.