Beta 2.2.3 Released

We are continuing our work on the 2.2 release with this minor patch. This one includes some more bug fixes, improvements, UI updates, and some significant modding changes.

We normally keep the modding changes minimal so as to not break any Workshop submissions after the major releases, but we wanted to provide better options to the modders during the longer wait while we work on beta 2.3. Apologies in advance, but we hope the new options and changes are exciting for your projects.

I think we might still have another patch 2.2 patch in us yet!


  • Added support for shift + right clicking on items within containers to move all of the same type.
  • Added a creature taming hint.
  • Added ability to enable and disable all mods.


  • Fixed an issue where an invisible help window was blocking input inside the options window (caused by a change in beta 2.2.2).
  • Fixed a bug where deleting game data did not reload the game afterwards.
  • Fixed a bug where the height was incorrectly set on the hint windows that popped up during the loading a game and removed the ability for some hints to be shown during load.
  • Fixed some improper title-cased strings in the language file. Literally minor text fixes.
  • Fixed the preserve action showing up as “preservative with..”.
  • Fixed a player head graphic issue that caused some pixels to be improperly offset while swimming.
  • Fixed a bug where if you had a doodad placed on a flammable tile, it would not require a fuel for the fire.
  • Fixed an issue that caused either duped, invisible, or broken items when they were moved too quickly between containers and inventory while also passing a turn/moving.
  • Fixed an issue that caused poor accuracy when sorting item in inventory while there were items quickslotted.
  • Fixed a broken text string when deleting your game “you want to delete this game?”.


  • Aberrant creatures will now always give negative malignity on death regardless of type.
  • Dismantling and disassembling items now increase or decrease malignity opposite to the value used when crafting said item.


  • The malignity hint now mentions the special rules regarding caves and night creature spawns.
  • Renamed items should now show the renamed name whenever possible.
  • The “enter” bind can now be used for selecting “Yes” inside confirmation screens.
  • You can now use a raft in any depth of water, making it so you can equip a lit torch before rafting.
  • Fixed aberrant creatures not making alternate creature noises when tamed or while making idle sounds.
  • Default actions for thistle seeds, acorns, and poison ivy seeds changed to “plant” from “eat”.
  • Tinder has been renamed “wooden shavings” as to not conflict with the new “tinder” grouping.
  • The main menu now allows more content to be displayed, especially on lower resolutions. Additionally, some new menu animations have been added.
  • Other improvements to main menu design with added effects and improved readability.
  • UI elements that are not clickable no longer have hover effects.
  • Added a small delay when moving and turning into a resource tile to prevent accidental gathering.
  • The Starter Quest will now update the quest objectives when an item is dropped or destroyed (removed) as well.
  • Containers in your inventory will now show the 50% reduced weight totals within the tooltip.
  • The mage cloak has been renamed to “mage robe”. Since it’s a robe…
  • The in-world graphic for the raft now matches the item more closely.
  • Fixed an issue where some highscores text would overflow due to their length.
  • Added Unlok credits within the about section.
  • The modding guide link now goes to the new page (


  • Split onAddOrUpdateInventoryItem into OnInventoryItemAdd, OnInventoryItemRemove, and OnInventoryItemUpdate.
  • Added a canDropItem hook.
  • Added the ability to get the source of damage via the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Fixed return null not working for the onCreatureDamage hook.
  • Added CanCreatureSpawn and OnCreatureSpawn hooks.


  • Particle system refactored a bit. Now uses an RGB object and uses new ParticleType for non-defined values.
  • Sortable system has been recoded.
  • Version now automatically added within English translation for upgrade message.


  • [Argus] Fixed “See All” not working as intended.

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